Monthly Archive: January 2019
I knew nothing about the The Guild II before I began this series. Fortunately—despite the tendency of old strategy games to be complicated and inscrutable—I’m finding it pretty straightforward to determine when I’ve been given a cake...
When career aptitude testing day came around in high school, there was a field on the Scantron for “desired career.” I penciled in: “smug patrician, preening his wispy goatee as he weighs an ill-gotten...
Here’s a question: if your players asked for a campaign of politics, deception, and intrigue, what rules system would you use? You don’t just want mechanics that are politically flavored and labeled; you want...
Five-minute mysteries. For Psychopaths of Reading Level 3 or Higher. Game link here: Vanity Barlow and the Headless Ventriloquist
A game to freeze your blood, presumably. Technically survivable. Game link here: The Surpassing Horror of Heathbridge Etc.